Shirly Mathew
@NEWDAWN123 · 0:37

Life lessons part 1

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Listen to the life lessons part one and kindly give your feedback. It will be interesting if you have also observed in your lives


Kavya .
@Kavya13 · 0:47
Life is a journey filled with ups and downs, primes and challenges. And along the way, we gather invaluable lessons that shape us into who we are. And the way you explain the life's lessons according to a nurture educational qualification, and it's very really inspiring. And I really embrace these life lessons, and I will try to adapt them to my own experiences and continue to seek wisdom as you navigate the never changing landscape of life
Shirly Mathew
@NEWDAWN123 · 3:40


You. Thank you Kavya for listening to it and trying to imbibe into your life some of the situations and the techniques given to make your life as beautiful as ever. Your life is in your hands. You need to always talk positive and think positive. Automatically you will find that there will be peace within you. Just take deep breath in and breathe out. Whenever you are upset, breathe in and just breathe out