nancy bharadwaj
@Nancy12 · 3:40

Google vs Libraries what according to you is better?

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When people use the Google to do the research, they will get a bunch of unsorted information and while searching. They spent hours and hours but they didn't get the information what they needed, the satisfying information, what they are willing to get. So they should minimize the use of Google search and instead of that they should move out their house to the libraries and search for what they want

#swell #collegeduniya

Aishani Chatterjee
@Aishani · 4:56
Of course, I'm not saying that, you know, sometimes you might find like really elaborate research papers on Google which again, have helped me during my college days have helped me in my exam, but research papers again sort of amount to books, right? And they're just electronic versions of books. I definitely vote for libraries too, because I don't think that anything can really be a replacement for books themselves. Whether those be ebooks or physical books, that's absolutely up to the reader
Aishani Chatterjee
@Aishani · 1:14
Also I would just like to add something while I scope for books. I also think if you're looking at it from an accessibility perspective, then Google can actually be more preferable to many because you can access it from the comfort of your home, which has helped people to continue their studying, their research and everything during the pandemic, during the lockdown
Reh Dogg
@RehDogg · 5:00
So I'm afraid that Google, as much as I hate to admit it, has taken over and the librarian isn't as important. But what I would say is the library, they need to conform, or not really conform. They need to adjust their way of doing things like have your library online, or have your own search for your library there online and have it offline so this way you won't go obsolete. For instance, take Blockbusters, for instance
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