Niki Ebrahimnejad
@N1kkums · 2:09

How has your perception of Cal changed?

So I was thinking about my time at Berkeley so far, and this is like a month early because there's still some more time until the semester is over. But it's been my first year at Berkeley itself compared to my virtual year last time M last year. And I was just thinking about how, how, how, how, how, how, how, how how has your perception of Cal got admitted?

Pre admittance, pre-pandemic, and now

Oscar K
@OKRL · 2:35

me perception: ⬆️↗️⬇️↖️🔀

And yes, a lot of what I was worried about is still true and still maybe prevalent. But there are also a lot of elements of the school that I did not know about, ones that I've come to find out that I really love. And obviously there are still parts that I am not too fond of. Parts I'm getting used to, but it's definitely interesting to think about how my perception of this school has changed. I think this is a great question because it has changed