Denise Lewis
@myconfettitree3 · 4:55

It doesn’t cost anything to change your life

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I researched a lot about yesterday, about a lot of things that have been, like, pressing on my mind about, I guess you would call them religious or spiritual things, and really kind of opened up ten new cans of worms on my brain. But every day, I still wake up grateful to be here, and I'm grateful for all of you being here. And it doesn't cost anything, you know, to change your life. It doesn't, you know, because I would
Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 0:43
That's not to say that there's not, you know, intrusive thoughts and negative patterns, because, you know, that's. I think that's part of being a human, if I'm being honest. However, I do think that you have a pretty solid base knowledge of what it means to have a clear mind. So, anyway, if I like sharing. Hope you have a great day