Lui Lee
@MutedOwl · 4:32

Christ-Like Mindset Part 2(1)

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Good morning everyone. At one time during the swell we talked about having a mind of Christ. This is part two of this study. But the key verse today is Proverbs 23 and seven. For us he thinks in his heart, so is he. Eat and drink, he says to you, but his heart is not with you. Topic Christ like Mind part two of Wine yesterday we talked about having a Christlike mind. And today we continue our talk on how to obtain this mindset

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@ValuableActs · 0:21
Mega. Do you see the holy Spirit and this entity that one is subjecting themselves to as external from the self? Or is it something that is within? Or perhaps both? I'd be interested in that interpretation. Thank you
Lui Lee
@MutedOwl · 0:26


Hello. Good morning. What are you calling? An entity? The Holy Spirit is a trinity. There's the Holy Spirit, Jesus and God. They're one of the same, but they're separate. I know this doesn't answer your question, but could you go in a little more detail? What you're looking for as far as the answer, i, um thank you. Have a blessed day
@ValuableActs · 1:29


You. Thank you for the response. I think the the question I'm getting at is, yes, you have these entities, the the Holy Trinity. And in the original post, you had talked about knowing who you are as a person, as an individual, and these actions that need to be taken
Lui Lee
@MutedOwl · 2:49


When you become a Christian, you must take up your cross and follow Him, which, when you do that, you submit your ways to the Holy Spirit that lives inside of you. So it's not external, it's internal. And so you submit your ways to Him. And when we as Christians deny ourselves, and we deny what we want to do, and we follow Christ, and we allow Him to be our better judgment, because we as humans are flawed
@ValuableActs · 0:09


Would you be able to clarify the Christian view or your Christian view on duality and nonduality? Thanks so much