Lui Lee
@MutedOwl · 4:29

Made Up Mind (Part 1)

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Galatians five and one for freedom christ has set us free. Stand firm, therefore, and do not submit yourself to the yoke of slavery. When we submit to the yoke of slavery, we are not made up in our mind. We aren't confident in knowing that God can take care of us. We aren't confident in knowing that God can heal our brokenness. We believe in every word family members can tell us

#mind #sin #love #bible #happiness #choose

J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 3:52
If you envelop embody take on those characteristics and have that perspective every day, every moment of the day, then you are blessed. It's talking about you. But he said what people tend to do is they tend to look outward at others versus looking inward at themselves and seeing it in themselves and honing it in for themselves
Lui Lee
@MutedOwl · 2:46
Hello. Thank you for replying. I really enjoyed your perspective on how you said that you gathered the devotional or how sewing talked to you about the devotional. I don't know. I never looked at it in that perspective before. Philippians four seven. And the peace of God wish you pass all understanding. Look at your heart. Your mind is crying. I guess I always looked at it in one way, and that's a nice way to look at it