Lui Lee
@MutedOwl · 4:40

Getting Filled By God Part 1

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Of Him. When we seek God for the right reasons, he will bless our life. But we must be aligned with God and his will. Ezekiel 33 and 31 and they come to you as people come, and they set before you as my people, and they hear what you say, and they would not do it with lustful talk in their mouths. They act. Their heart is set on their gain. People are of all the same

#filled #God #love #happines #jesus

Reh Dogg
@RehDogg · 5:00

My testimony the journey from past to present.

And that was the reason why I believed the first time when I went to be baptized, I believe it was ten years ago in Christ of Deliverance, a church of deliverance. I was baptized in that church and things were great at first, but I had went there for the wrong reasons and I believe a year later I stopped going there. Spring forward to now I seeked out this church because I want to build a relationship with God
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Lui Lee
@MutedOwl · 1:52


He wanted me to devote my life to Him. And now I'm still single, no kids, and that's fine with me. It doesn't bother me. And I learned to make God my all, my everything. And sure, I had other problems as well, but that was one of the main things that I had to let go of. I had to seek his wheel. And a lot of times we forget that he has a wheel, and his wheel is bigger than ours