Muskan D
@Muskan · 3:44


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I'll tell them one by one. You listen. Chole samosa jam samosa, Chinese samosa. These kind of varieties samosa are there. But I think so. Everybody tasted potato samosa, California samosa, carrot, samosa kava samosa. But if you're non vegetarian, then you should definitely taste this Kima samosa and IK samosa. This will be really good. And this is mostly available in Northwest Street. And if you eat this samosa with ketchup, oh my God, really?

#samosa lover's😍

sree divya
@Sree99 · 0:11
Hey, Mosquito, it's a very good swell. Even Samosa is my favorite snack to now I'm mouth watering after losing to the swell
sucharita Patra
@Suetwinslaugh · 0:02
Yeah, me. It looks delicious
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Suchismita Patra
@Suetwinslook · 0:06
I am also a big fan of Samosa. I just now want to grab that Samosa out of the phone and just want to eat it