Muskaan ..
@muskaan.18 · 0:59

Start sharing smiles😊

You really never know when you can save a life by appreciating somebody because sometimes people are really demotivated in life and they only need somebody to say some positive things about them to them when they need it the most. That being the reason for somebody smile and it will really make you a lot happier and can make your life filled with joy because what you give to the universe will always give you back and I'm very sure about it. Have a nice day. Enjoy yourselves

What you give to the universe comes back to you in unexpected ways💫start appreciating every possible thing & u can really see how your life changes

Aishani Chatterjee
@Aishani · 0:40
Hi, Ms. Khan. I absolutely, absolutely agree with you that we should put an effort, an active effort, into making people around us smiles. Because we never know, right? Who's having a crappy day, who's having a baby, who's really feeling low. But just a small compliment or a kind gesture is enough to at least make people feel better to some extent. And yes, what goes around, comes around