john Patterson
@Murdock118 · 0:33

#MyProfile | john Patterson

Everyone calls me Murdock. And honestly, I can say, you know, I've been kind of a study of human nature and things that go on in the world, and I've often felt like it's kind of hard to articulate sometimes to people things that people should know, and it's it's oftentimes like they don't care. They're too busy with their own lives anyway, so I don't usually bother


Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:18
Hey, Murdoch. Welcome to swell. Well, here you are. I think people people here listen, and they and they do care, so yeah, you you have some space to express yourself here if you want. Yeah, welcome. Let me know if I can help you with anything
LaToya Smith
@LadyTee · 0:49
It's. Hi Murdock. I would like to welcome you to Swell also as the previous person who replied I found this to be a place where people do caring with people of many different interests and knowledge or passions are, and they come to talk. And there are people who are very interested in those things. So I think that you will find people who are on board or interested in what you would like to say and would like to talk about. So welcome and have a wonderful day. Bye
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

john Patterson
@Murdock118 · 0:28


Thanks you for welcoming me. Welcoming me and yeah, I don't know. I think about different stuff at different times. Just for example, the other day, I was thinking, like, it doesn't make sense to me that we have a government paying farmers not to grow crops in America, and then we turn around around and we have people starving to death in other countries. So just something doesn't add up about that to me
john Patterson
@Murdock118 · 0:35


I guess personally, I'm just trying to work on being a little better person, you know, and try to figure out maybe how to, you know, talk with people and perhaps help them out in their lives with a little bit of knowledge or whatever ideas I can help them out with and just exchange ideas with people
