Munmun Hassain
@munmunhassain · 0:56

Impressed your creator

Hello. Good evening. Swell. This is my third swell. So today I'm going to share with you something which I have been written many days ago. And I guess I should share it with all of you guys. So I am here to share my feelings that no matter what Pupil says about you, no matter what Pupil says about you, the only matter how far you impressed your creator by your actions. Because your Creator bless us because our creator bless us each day with a new way
Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 0:32
Hello. You are absolutely right. So we should not worry about what others think about us. And we should not worry about how to impress other people. We should worry about how to impress our creator. The moment you impress the creator, that means you did the job completely. So you need not worry about why, what people are talking about me, what they are saying about me, all these are not at all needed. I feel so you're absolutely right. Thank you