Munmun Hassain
@munmunhassain · 1:23

If your mind is healthy you are healthy

Just need to break to recharge our energy, to reproduce our walking ability these are the process to make our life more easy. Take a small leave from your daily schedule make update your mind with each lesson of life if we want, our mobile should run more smoothly without any disturbance we need frequent system updates just like that

Recharge yourself

Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 0:57
If your mind is not healthy, you can't actually be the way how you are actually and that will actually create a lot of mess in the way you deal with things, the way you work and all. So there's a lot of chaotic things. So it's very important to take some breaks in between and to rejuvenate yourself, to be the best version of yourself. Thank you