Al mufakir
@Mufakir · 3:18

Mental health

I'm not trying to say that we shouldn't establish or we shouldn't express the fact that we are having a problem like mental trauma or depression or something that actually related to mental health. It's good that we are coming out of it and saying it out and not feeling weird to talk about it. But have you wondered in past olden days never people had this kind of stuff

Mental health and motivation to be on positive side of life

Aishani Chatterjee
@Aishani · 4:50
And it's easy to feel inferior about oneself when they are told that they are presented with a certain sort of template and told that this is what is the beauty standards, quote unquote, of the society. This is what is pretty and this is what isn't. And so they start measuring their bodies in comparison with that template. And of course, it's almost impossible for most of the people to come even close to that template because first of all, not every body is the same