Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:40

What is the true definition of HOMELESS?

I've seen some really tricked out RVs and some really tricked out vans that have been repurposed to have showers and little kitchens and beds and sitting areas. People that work remotely are able to work remotely from their vehicle and get into the same vehicle and drive to the next spot of wherever they want to go, whether it's to traveling state to state or whether they're parking at someone's house or street or somewhere like that

#homeless #vanlife #nomad #offthegrid #askswell

Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 4:12
There's camping fees you can't just pull into these campgrounds for free. And from what I understand, there's also limits. Like you can't just decide you're going to live here for a year. They are limited. Maybe you get a 30 day, 60 day, 90 day license to park there, and then you got to move. And so although Rvrs promote this free lifestyle, free to move
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 4:49
Oh, my goodness, you are so spot on with your assessment. I hands down cosign that social media, what do you call it, influencers. And reality TV has definitely made homelessness sexy. It they've made homelessness sexy. There was a show called and I'm not sure if it's still on. I don't I no longer have cable. I dropped cable 2019. There was a show called the Alaskan Bush people. I believe that's what it was called
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 4:44


And so really it behooves people with the amount of free resources that are out there, myself included, to take advantage of other ways to create generational wealth that not only you can leave behind, but that you can actually benefit from today while you are alive to sustain your lifestyle. And is not the 401K system
Moe Johnson
@NeophyteSavant · 4:49


So if you're not making at least that a year, then you won't even be considered for the apartment. And that's what I'm trying to explain. So when the economy changes, and it has been changing a lot, and the economy changes, quite often, food prices are going up, gas prices are constantly going up, transportation is constantly going up, everything is going up
Scharlette Donald
@sharlettespeaks · 3:27
A lot of these are actual recreational vehicles. Some of these are boats. People are living in the hull of a boat. It's crazy. I live in Dallas, Texas, maybe about an hour and away from an hour, hour and a half away from here. There's a couple of not encampments but membership based facilities where people can bring their RVs. There's actually Grapevine, Texas, which is only 20 minutes from here