Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 5:00

Mothers Day/Fathers Day: The Difference in How We Celebrate Them

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Hey, swell Cast family. Happy Thursday to each one of you. If you hear a lot of background noise, it's because I'm at work today. But I wanted to come on here really quickly and just talk about the difference in how we celebrate Mother's Day versus Father's Day. Just a little background on me. I come from a two parent home. Both of my parents are still alive and well, and together. They've been married for 49 years
Jordan Tepper
@JordanTepper · 4:10
But the stereotypical outlook for dads as being the provider, as being the sole provider, I think is changing now. I know it's changing now because there's no gender roles in my house. Definitely not. Thanks for this really gives me a good perspective
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:15


It didn't stop my niece and nephew from longing for a father. It didn't stop them from longing for a father. It didn't matter how many times my sister said she was the mom and the dad. It didn't matter how much she felt that way. The truth of the matter was they didn't have fathers in their life, and each of them had their own father, and neither of them had a father in their life
Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 4:40

@JordanTepper and @MsColes77

What do you mean, where are we going to go eat? But major props to you and your family. And I can imagine for you, Tanya, it's been uncomfortable at times celebrating Father's Day sorry. When your friends maybe don't have their dads in their lives and stuff like that, but I'm pretty sure you all had talked about it at times
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 4:58
I do see the difference, and I've seen it for a while. And my dad used to he was a pastor, so he used to get up and he used to say, like, when Mother's Day was there, he'd be like, I'm going to make sure I preach a short message today because I know you all taking your mama out for Mother's Day. And I know you all got a whole bunch of stuff planned for your mama
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 2:59


Hello, Dewuan. Thank you so much for chiming in. And thank you so much for bringing some perspective to the conversation. It was very enlightening just to hear your account of growing up without celebrating Father's Day in the traditional sense. I got some tickles when you were talking about your oldest to know where you all were going out to eat. My dad is not a big grilling person
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:52


They want to be acknowledged for doing more than they should have to do, whether it's because the father is just not physically present or he's not financially providing or whatever the case may be, and they're having to take on more responsibility than they should. And so they want to be acknowledged. But at the same time, it comes from a place of hurt, I believe. It comes from a place of hurt. It comes from a place of stress
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 3:42


And I think we kind of take it for granted. And that's sad to me because we're so focused on the deadbeats, right? And I just don't think we should do that. I think we should focus more on the men who are actually doing what they're supposed to be doing. And I do try to make a big deal
Jordan Tepper
@JordanTepper · 2:05


But, yeah, like, for father's like, for Father's Day for me, like, this year and every year, like, we go to my in law's house and so we can see my father in law and then my brother in law and all the cousins, nephews, nieces. But, yeah, I think that it is a little bit different for everybody, isn't it?
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 3:10


Because sometimes when Caucasian people try to make things better, sometimes you end up making them worse. And here's the thing, because not all black families are the same, okay? Not everybody has the same dynamic. Not everybody in the black community is raised by a single mother. I was raised by two parents, and both of them worked. Tanya Miss Coles, 77, she was raised by two parents. Both of them worked. Her her parents are still alive
Jordan Tepper
@JordanTepper · 0:07


Thank you for that, Andrea. I really do appreciate your input. It was very helpful. Appreciate it. Thank you
Swati Sharma
@Swatiselflove · 4:16
And when it comes to father, because father gets to spend so very little time with his kids around and he is treated more like a bread winner of the family and he goes out and no wonder. I am not trying to undermine the kind of contributions that a dad makes to the family. He plays a very important role and no family would be complete without a father finger. And father definitely plays a very significant role in shaping our personality, in molding our personality, in instilling a nas good values