Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:43

Is Black History Month Only For Black Americans?

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So, should we acknowledge black history as a whole, or should we limit it to the history of blacks in this nation here? Should blacks in other nations have their own month? Should they create their own way of recognizing the blacks that come from their nation? Now, I didn't have time to do a lot of research before recording this well, so I'm not aware of any months or weeks or what have you set aside in other nations to celebrate their blacks

#blackhistory #america #celebration #history

Kwa NateKo
@kwa · 4:59
My mother's side of the family is from Trinidad, a caribbean nation. My father's side of the family is straight up american. When we try to trace our history back on my dad's side, the farthest we can go back to is the slave trade in Georgia. On my mom's side, she know there's plenty of history to go to directly to the family members that come from that nation. Even though the slave trade existed there, too, they weren't purposely in America
Kwa NateKo
@kwa · 1:47
I also want to specify. I think it's actually so important because it's not that just black Americans have this issue where we're very purposely separated from the cultures and ancestry and countries that we came from. Almost nobody in the world has this problem in the same way. I mean, in the entire world, where even in India with the caste system, you're still not separated from your history and your sense of self. We still have that to hold on to
Brandy Singleton
@ThoughtProvoker · 4:59


And I think he did that, considered something had to do with Abraham Lincoln's birthday also. But, yeah, 1926, and they called him the father of the black history Month, but it was Negro. Black was Negro Week. And that he started venturing out on in 1926. Was a scholar, though
article image placeholderHere's the story behind Black History Month — and why it's celebrated in February
Brandy Singleton
@ThoughtProvoker · 5:00

#greatswells #swellcastlove

You're just really worked up, and we're not. We weren't even bothered by it. But that's the energy. I've seen a lot, but it is for all of us because I took that to India, and I won an actual award in there for my podcasting over there because I did that. I'm just excited because they liked it. They would come to the group, it would be full in there, right?
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 2:24
I hope that we're all united in the thought that we need to try to achieve more together, because other races are achieving more. We need to achieve more, too. We need more physicists. We need more astrophysicists. We need more astronauts. We need more people that are geneticists that deal with genes and DNA. We need a lot of more things. Scientists, as well as doctors, lawyers. We need people that deal with artificial intelligence and technology
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Robert Jenkins
@Guruball1 · 4:15
But as far as we always separating ourselves, we can't even celebrate together without finding something negative in the celebration. Who deserves to be in the celebration? Did you ever hear any nonsense? I've never heard no nonsense like this in my life. I mean, if you're an irish person and you're celebrating St. Patrick's Day, there's no discrepancy. There's no person that they say, okay, well, you're from this part of Ireland, or you're from over here
Brandy Singleton
@ThoughtProvoker · 4:59
It didn't get me worked up because his statement, we've heard worse. It's really true. He has the right to his thoughts and his opinion. He doesn't make the wave for it. He can't change that. He just gave you what he thought. But for me, that's not something I'm concerned. I'm more concerned. People say all kind of crazy shit all day
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 0:36


You better teach, sir. Sir, you better teach. Because this is what I've been talking about on my page, black and around history every day. This is ridiculous. We're already divided as a country, as a people. We need to be united. This is how they fooled us the first time, trying to put little ideas like that in our head to separate ourselves. They know they can conquer us again if they keep us separate, so, sir. I loved it
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Brandy Singleton
@ThoughtProvoker · 5:00

We celebrate how e want and include who we want... For Black History.

So all his themes and stuff was based around american contributions. He had different themes that they do today. There was one, the black american experience. And to highlight the things that were done or the things that people had done in America. And he had picked February because Frederick Douglass. The second week of February, because Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln's birthday was the second week, but they didn't have Fredericks actually documented. So he just celebrated on that day on the 14th. Right
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 3:46
Hi, Tanya. So concerning this question, I'm going to quote something from Mr. Kat Williams where he stated that division divides. And as simple as it is, that's really profound, because anytime we start putting different permitters that will divide. That's all it's going to do is divide
Brandy Singleton
@ThoughtProvoker · 4:37
And having them put it all down, all the ideas, and they created the whole patent. That's where the whole patent thing came from. Right. So a lot of things still to this day, people don't even know that was happening. I want to touch on Juneteenth, and I don't know if anybody was aware of last year what they did, what they was doing on Juneteenth and what they were serving up at certain stores, and then what they were doing on that day
Zaakirah Singleton
@Zaakirah · 5:00
Any other race don't know what African Americans go through or blacks go through or whatever. It's just difficult to say. If they want to celebrate black History month with us, fine, you know, whatever. But what's going to happen after February 20 eigth? We're just going to stop celebrating or whatever. I know me, as an african american woman living in America, that I am black all year long, not just in February