Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:58

Is America Really The Best Country On Earth?

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They're coming here by boat. They're coming to the Florida coast. They're coming up through Mexico, past the Texas borders, the Arizona borders. They're doing everything they can. They're carrying everything on their backs to get into the United States. They're bringing their children here. They're sleeping outside for days, weeks, trying to get into the United States. So with that being said, with millions trying to cross the borders into the US

#america #people #culture #sundayswell

Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 2:14
I have not met a soul and mixed and mingle with a lot of people, especially up here in the northeast. Every other person has some sort of background where, like I said, they're first generation or they weren't. Even their kids are first generation
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 3:11
We don't know a life where we couldn't have these things. But they know what life is like when you can't freely say what you want to say. Like the stuff people say about the presidents and things like that. You can't even imagine saying something like that in another country. You speaking against the president, the king, or whatever governing body they have in that country. You slandering the leaders of that nation the way people in America slander leaders in this nation