Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 1:33

Swell Should Add a "Written Comment" function

Hey swell Cast family. I hope you're having a wonderful day today. You know, I was listening to a few Swell casts today and honestly, I was thinking maybe Swell should add a add written comment function of like Facebook or Instagram where you can just type back great job, love it, awesome. Because there are times where we just don't have time to leave a verbal response to a Swell cast. Or maybe I don't have a verbal response

#swellteam #swellsupport #comment #timesaver #convenience

Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 2:15
I can understand to one degree why this would seem like a rational and logical way of opening up the communication on Swell, but I see a number of issues potentially that could go awry. One being that Swell touts itself as a voice platform. And if we were to then allow the ability to send text messages, would that in fact impact how often people use audio? Would people only then would less people use it, knowing that there's an option to text?
Luce Fonrose
@ilovelucee · 0:49
But I do agree that you should be able to have the ability to write, like, a written response, because, like you said, sometimes you don't really have anything to say verbally. So I think it would be beneficial. For sure. Yeah, for sure