Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:58

Lonely People Are Turning to AI robots for companionship

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And these are basically life size dolls that are created to mimic human behaviors, such as eye blinking, such as head movements, following you with their eyes, able to communicate with you through conversation because of the AI technology. It's kind of like having a living Alexa or Siri in front of you, like a living type Siri or Alexa in a so these dolls are created for people who want to experience companionship, but are just not having any success doing it with a human being

#technology #love #single #relationship #dolls #companionship

Brian Foreman
@BKFOREMAN69 · 3:26
But the movie Megan that came out was about an AI doll and that could adjust and learn your child and be their best friend kind of thing. And of course goes terribly wrong and kills people. But the one point that really stuck out in that movie to me is you mentioned these AI sex coles, which is an upgrade from the other lifelike dolls that have been around for quite some time, that they do have a processor
Maurice Lekea
@malekea · 4:42
So those brothers who choose that path, it's okay if they getting some satisfaction there. But for me, I am just old school, just classic. It's not going to change. And don't even try to convince me that you have your doll. It's more magic. It's giving you more satisfaction than a woman. You are not convincing me
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 1:39
Everybody does what they feel like they need to do for them, right? And who am I to judge them? Or who am I to say that they wrong? They may think I'm wrong for being on a date nap, you know what I mean? So who is to say? But I just think that's a bit extreme. And yeah, that's just a bit extreme to me. That seems extreme
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 3:51


They're sheltered in place, so to speak. So, of course, pornhub and everything else went up during those times because folks are isolated and by themselves. And so I think that isolation is probably a key component to what drives these men to seek a robot or a life size doll as a companion. I think they just get so isolated to the point of desperation, because we're created to be communal people. We're created for connection. We're created for touch
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 0:55


So, yeah, you're right. I'm sure that they get that information from sources like that in order to equip these robots to know how to respond and what to say in a romantic way. So no doubt about that. Thank you so much for your response
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 3:47


They don't know from a relatable point of view what you're talking about. They're going to process what you say as a computer would. They're going to give you a response that's going to be void of any emotion. It's going to be a robotic response. It may sound like a female voice, but it's going to be a flat response. It's not going to be one of empathy, understanding, compassion, or any of those things. You're right
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:06


I'm like in these relationship groups, these men ain't seeing no women they think are attractive. They're not seeing any women that they would like to get to know. They're just in these groups for what? For conversation. And that's it. They don't want to get to know anybody. That's why. It's just crazy to me. Some of these groups have thousands of singles, tens of thousands of singles
Eluchianna Olive
@Luchianna · 4:59
It's just a fear of being rejected, not being appreciated, not being loved. So let me turn to this make believe thing because it is a thing to give me what I feel. I needed at the time for me to feel whole, for me to feel complete. But at the end of the day, you're still feeling the same type of way. Because it's a robot, it is programmed to do whatever you tell it to do
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 2:58


Hey, SIS. Thank you so much. I agree. I think that some people are looking for ways to avoid human connection. Not so much that they don't have human connection in their life, but that they don't want to make human connections. Because like you said, the fear of rejection, the fear of abandonment, those things can really cause people to withdraw from other people and from community. And so they turn to things like these AI operated sex dolls