Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 6:29

The Infamous Restaurant List: A Single Lady’s Perspective

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Again, that's one of those things you do after you get to know one another and become comfortable with one another. And you have some things to tell your family about me, like, you've talked to me long enough to know some things about me that you can share with your family, because on a first date, we don't know each other well enough. This is our first time spending time together, so we don't know each other well enough to be bringing each other around family

#life #dating #love #romance #firstdate #twitter

Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 4:47
The guy who spends 100 is valuing me more. Not that it even matters, but I'm saying, like, we're looking at the dollar amount as if it means something. It doesn't. It's about the heart. This guy might have saved up two paychecks to really take you out versus the other guy that's just going to swipe it on a card and write it off. So this false sense of what our worth is is crazy. Dating culture is out of control
Bernard Harmon
@iambernard · 4:52
I don't think you should go on a first date that you two are not even committed. You shouldn't spend a whole lot of money. I don't. And call me cheap if you want to, but I'm very careful with my funds. No man wants to throw his money into a hole that would not produce any fruit. That's my opinion. Thank you, ladies
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:51


You don't need to be blowing $100 to $200 on every first date. You absolutely do not need to be doing that. And these relationship gurus who are out here promoting this mindset, who are out here encouraging women to require and demand this stuff, those are the ones that need to go somewhere and sit down because they're online trying to pander to these women by making them believe that, yes, these are reasonable expectations
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 0:12


Hi, SIS. Yes, I came across that list this morning. One of my Facebook friends posted it, and so I can certainly do a swell bringing that list to the conversation. For sure. Thank you
Scharlette Donald
@sharlettespeaks · 2:41


And even, you know, paying for a meal that she and I split can be very costly, especially when it comes down to, yes, I want to get an alcoholic drink for myself, and my daughter will, you know, have a soda or a strawberry lemonade and then a meal that can be costly. And I keep telling people repeatedly, like, we need to be a little bit more, I don't know, realistic. Right? We have champagne wishes and caviar dreams
Moe Johnson
@NeophyteSavant · 4:19
I do believe that this list is made by a group of women, a group of single women that have intentions to shame men, to put men on the spot, to make men look less than, all under the guise of trying to educate men about where to take women on a first date
Patrick Derns
@patasd101 · 1:45

A mans perspecrive.

I went through this with my ex wife when she first brought me to her church. We walked in and everybody turned around like, who's this? But I guess the look on my face made me very unapproachable at the end of the service. So I grabbed her hand and I left, and I told her. And I was very open about it. I didn't want to be bothered. I didn't want to talk to anybody
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Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:24


But the restaurants on there, none of them were even, like, part of that equation. None of that were even part of the equation. I have no problem with any of the restaurants on there, even if it is wingstop. I like wings. So therefore I have no problem with that. I have no problem with us having fun on a date. Dates don't have to be these big formal occasions, but that's what a lot of relationship gurus are pushing onto
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 1:28


It has nothing to do with them caring about you or her or caring about you all's relationship. They just want the tea, that's all. They just want the tea. But yeah, I don't like fooling with church people when it comes to relationships either. What I do is my business