Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:59

As Black Women, we used to celebrate our differences….

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The really dramatic makeup. The really dramatic makeup. I just want us ladies to get back to the place where we celebrate differences that we're not trying to all look the same, but that we celebrate the differences. The natural hair, the straight hair, the long hair, the short hair, the afros, the brown skin, the dark skin, the light skin

#black #women #beauty #diversity

Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 4:48
They said I wasn't a candidate, but I thought about it because I'm like, I could drop some weight quick. But some beloved family members had the surgery and either gained it all back and then some, or just their shape was never quite right. And just being an observer, I said, you know, I'm not going to do those things, but none of those things are free. I think that's my point
Brandy Turner
@Paulette77 · 4:54
And it's very disappointing because they all look the same. It's just in reverse, but they look the same. Everybody walking around here looking like a d*** Brat doll, okay? And I don't know when it's going to end, but that's the trend. That's trend right now, okay? Until everybody starts going back to these surgeons and doctors and getting the fillers taken out they face and whatever taking out their behinds right now
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 3:39


She went on a weight loss journey, lost weight, and she ended up losing her BBL, because, you know, it's just fat that they're injecting in your b***. So if you're burning fat, guess what? You're going to burn the fat in your BBL, too. And so she ended up losing the BBL, like, just a few months after she got it done after she paid all that money. So some things are just not meant for everybody
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 2:53


That's sad that we need something like that, that we need to be able to wear our natural hair in the military, that we need to be able to wear our natural hair in the corporate sector of the workforce because those styles were deemed to be unprofessional and not part of the culture of that particular organization. And we have to be an organizational fit. And that goes even to our hairstyles
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 1:41


But I'm sure they probably think of me as a PickMe because, like I said before, I'm not against the patriarchy. I don't automatically lean into the side of women. I can listen to a conversation and see where both people are wrong, honestly. But I'm not, like, solely against black males. Why would I be? My father is black, my brothers and my uncles, the men I love and my son are black men. Why would I hate black men?