Tiffany Edwards
@mrspoetic · 0:46

Balance is off

That's a good thing, but everything else is not aligned with my purpose. And I just want to know if anyone out there has any advice on helping me get that back. Thank you
LaRita Ferguson
@LaritaMotivates · 1:23
It's a five step guide toward inner peace and happiness. If you want to, you can purchase that book and there's journal entries in there, there's affirmations. It's a really helpful positive book and you can just check it out. So those are some ways you can balance yourself, get into balancing your chakras as well. If you like information on how to balance your chakras, then I can send you some information for that's
Tiffany Edwards
@mrspoetic · 0:48


It's affected me tremendously, and I really do need to get back to where I used to be before all of this happened. So any affirmations, any other advice you feel that will be helpful to me, I would most definitely like it. Thank you so much
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 0:42
Well, first I would want to know what are the things that bring you light that you have passion in? And how frequently can your balance, as you say, it be all off? Sometimes maybe it's off for a reason. You need to search for that reason. And when you get back to your balance, it swell be that much more reinforced and stronger. I so, yeah, those are just some of the things I was wondering. Yeah
LaRita Ferguson
@LaritaMotivates · 0:25


And I definitely have no problem with, you know, sending you affirmations. I do I do also do one on one personal coaching. But, you know, like I said, I'm fairly new to this whole swallow thing. But I just want to let you know today that you you are wonderful. You are beautiful. You are powerful. You are great. You are able, you are capable, you are willing, and you will master your life
Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 0:10


I would say thank you for the kind words and have a good Monday or Tuesday. Sorry
Tiffany Edwards
@mrspoetic · 3:21


You don't know who you're dating. Even though you think you might know this person, you don't really know this person because people be having hidden agendas, and you would never know. And I think that's what's holding me back. I think I'm upset, and I'm holding a grudge. I'm not one to hold grudges against people, so I don't really know if it's a grudge or not
Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 1:53


But yes, I think your energy is in the right place in regards of obviously the girlfriend probably isn't aware of the situation between the two of you in regards to him not communicating effectively to you with who you all kid is spending time with. So yeah, that may be a conversation for a later date but yeah, you have to kind of let that be known, especially if it's somebody you care about. If you care about the person
LaRita Ferguson
@LaritaMotivates · 4:06


You feel you're angry because you felt disrespected and it is a respect thing. If you're no longer with the child's parent, he's supposed to inform you, hey, listen, I'm dating someone new and I'm just letting you know that she will be around and at some point she will be around our child. But I'm giving you a heads up to let you know that this is a new person that's in my life and this is what it's going to be
Tiffany Edwards
@mrspoetic · 1:12


I don't think he understands the gravity of the situation but it's not up to me, you know what I'm saying, to hold that against him. But he really needs to work on that because if we're going to have a smooth coparent ship he needs to be open and communicate with me. I tell him this on a daily basis
LaRita Ferguson
@LaritaMotivates · 1:43


It's a technique that I do specifically when the full moon comes in on a monthly basis, it's different types of moons. There are new moons, there's full blood red moon. There are different kinds of moons on a monthly basis. And you can definitely tune in and tap in. I'll be probably posting some swell cast on those things as well