Tika Phillips
@MorethenCake · 4:17

Let’s get Fit

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Morning. Hey, monday, I got my a** here to the gym. Yes. I actually try to work out three times a week. I give myself three times a week. I say that is three days that you allow yourself to love on yourself, right. To find a new way to love on yourself, to find a better way of loving yourself, becoming a better version of yourself

It’s Monday it’s a new week! A new Mindset! New Goals One thing i find is after I leave the gym i just feel so much better my anxiety is diminished

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 1:10
Yeah. It's so wild. Like, what a difference it does make physically, for sure. Absolutely. It's so good to move, but I always feel it more mentally. It brings me such a relaxation and clarity and peace post workout. It's so good. The dopamine is just great, and it's much better than anything else that we think will soothe us, any of the things that are kind of like fleeting pleasures. It's not the same kind of feeling