Tika Phillips
@MorethenCake · 4:41

Single moms around the world!

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And I can say that's one sacrifice that I made being a single mom is that after his father passed, that I would try to build, have strong role models around him, men who can guide him to being a young man and doing things the right way, which is not often easy for a lot of moms. And that's why I say again, I'm patting my single mothers on the back, or I should say you should be patting yourself on the back for a job well done

Shout out to my Single moms/ Pat ya self on the damn back! My kid graduated 8th grade next up High School

J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 2:21
But the second biggest reason, I thought to myself how if my situation with another co parent is not as amicable as it is with my son's father, and I end up truly parenting on my own, 24/7, nonstop, no respite period. Ah. And so I said, get somebody else to do it. And so for those of you all who are doing it, I applaud you all. Kudos to you. Kudos to