Mona B.
@monapoet.artist · 0:40

#TellYourStory | I experienced a culture shock when...

Hello and welcome to my station. My name is Mona B. And I absolutely plan on sharing some really cool stuff with you. So hang around and I'll get started on things soon. That's if you enjoy anything arts related. My primary passion, of course, is poetry, but I also am a thriving artist. So hang around and see what you think, and hopefully you'll stay with me and see some of the great creations that come along. Thanks. Bye

#WelcomePrompts #spb21nbp1 #sdp16Jan24 @rocio

Stacy Rush
@S.Kanyiri_speak · 0:12
Welcome, Mona. Glad to have you on board. I look forward to hearing more of your wonderfulness that is yet to come
Jacquelyn Jeffries
@Nomad4EVER · 0:39
I love them to death. But anyway, so glad you're here. Welcome, welcome. And look forward to interacting with you and hearing more about your stories and all that. So welcome