Henna Khan
@MommyChronicles · 5:00

Diary of a new mom, Episode 15, NICU

And because the babies were born before 40 weeks, usually their liver is not fully developed, although it is developed, but then their livers are not fully developed, which is why they have a lot of bilirubin in their bloodstream, which causes jaundice. So in my case, with my baby's case, he was also detected with jaundice at day three. So I was there in the hospital itself, but he was not I mean, as per the criteria, his jaundice was not that severe

#mombaby #motherhoodstruggles #newmom #momjournal #motherhoodexperience #momtalks #journeyofamom #mombabyjournal #momdiaries #momswellcast #nicu #myjo

Henna Khan
@MommyChronicles · 5:00

#mombaby #motherhoodstruggles #newmom #momjournal #motherhoodexperience #momtalks #journeyofamom #mombabyjournal #momdiaries #momswellcast #nicu

So my husband was constantly battling between one hospital to another, then home and all of that. I really want to thank my parents, my brothers, who were so supportive and who were there for me during that time. I think I wouldn't have been able to make it without them. And my husband, who was constantly hopping from here and there and juggling and whatnot
Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 1:09
And I feel it's not only you, like every mother who undergoes that phase comes up very strong. So I think these experiences will actually help everyone understand how strong they are, how to deal with certain situations and what kind of experiences they might get in that phase, and how to really become a mom, because it's the biggest responsibility one ever has and the biggest happiness one can ever enjoy. So that how to deal with those moments is something really special