Yesterday I was completely captured by my shadow self and trauma responses. And just it was a down day. And instead of spiraling, I allowed myself to channel that moon energy and I was just down and I wrote quite a bit. I allowed myself to do that. And at the end of the day, I was still feeling pretty rough. It was not good, but I went to bed with the intention of waking up and immediately writing again after I went out and got a little bit of sun

#moonenergy #sunenergy

Chelsea Hanawalt
@allowthesun · 1:56
It's. Hi, Mollie. Thank you so much for sharing this honest post. It has really helped me. I have had some kind of up and down emotions lately. And you sharing that you've been writing it out and putting these intentions to move through it and start another day. It's really inspiring because I think that I will practice some gratitude for myself and some patience for myself for choosing things that are activities like example of binge watching a show
Mollie Hawkins
@molliebird · 3:09


And we all know that it's very easy to get stuck in spots like that. So I'm just experimenting. I don't have all the answers for myself even yet. I'm just going with the flow and seeing what works. And this really worked for me, doing that little exercise. And I think that it really helps that it was first thing in the morning. I truly believe that that set a trajectory for the rest of the day