makayla j
@mjayyy99 · 4:46

Don’t Let People Put A Damper on Your Plans

Like, this is your life to live, and you only have one life to live, so don't let anybody tell you how you should live your one life. Also, kind of going along with that, I have this goal that not only do I want to travel to all of the 50 states, but I want to travel to the states and the countries in alphabetical order. And I mean, kind of like with the countries

Just don’t let it happen. #dailyinspiration

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 1:18
This is so great. And I think it's amazing that you're doing that. And something that I was thinking as I was listening to you is that hearing you talk about what it is that you want to do and doing it and being true to yourself and being authentic, that's inspiring to other people. That's an energy that gets bounced off of you and out into the world