Mitchell Ross
@mitchyro99 · 2:08

I can’t believe I LOVE Michigan State

And if Miami, who has a pretty good defensive line, I mean, nobody is going to beat Bama in their last game, too. They played well and they won comfortably. But this is a different offense of line Miami is facing. And if this offense line pushes them, Kent Walkers going to run all over them. And if they load up the box little play action pass and Peyton Thorn, you've seen it a couple of times
kate Gillespie
@kgill19 · 0:03
Go green, go white
Tony Mosesso
@tonymo · 1:16

Mitch with the reverse jinx voodoo?

I think it's going to be a good game. Derrick King is a phenomenal talent. He hasn't shown up a whole lot yet this year. He hasn't been bad by any means, but he hasn't been phenomenal either. So it's going to be a fun game to watch. I like my Spartans win, but can't bet my Spartans got to watch it as just a fan. Just going to sit that one out from a money perspective, but definitely go green, go white