Mitchell McKay
@mitchellsmckay · 2:06

Greatest Movie Villain of All Time?

Hey everyone. Today, just for fun, I thought I would ask you all a question. Who is the greatest movie villain of all time? In my opinion, it's thanos from Avengers Infinity War. Why do I say that? Well, he managed to achieve what he wanted. He wiped out half of all life in the universe. And when it seemed like there was no way to reverse it, the Avengers were forced to move on for five years
Justice Hendon
@Itsfunny2me · 2:35


The crazy thing was when he did the snap, he didn't say you, you and you. He just snapped. And half, more than half was wiped out. He didn't pick nobody. That was the crazy part. Who picks the people to get wiped out? Who did the census to say, nope, you gotta get wiped out. You get wiped out. But overall, Thanos is my favorite, favorite character. Hence my ring. I have a thanos ring
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Mitchell McKay
@mitchellsmckay · 0:31


Hey. I really hate the picture of the tahano swinging. Actually, he didn't get a good little hook ahead, but I think but I think it looked like the hurry Infinity Stones running. I also liked what you said about how Tahanoho's naha yelling. He did have a very calm and even temper. Where hedge where hedge could still give you chills
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Mitchell McKay
@mitchellsmckay · 0:36


In addition that point about how picking him not just picking people to snap out he chose to be fair hair. He didn't want just once any specific people to be wiped out. He wanted to be fair. He still wanted to keep he didn't choose anyone in I reply it to his hate, but actually I said I loved the Thanos ring you put on the picture