You. I've decided to delete the app. I'll keep my profile up, but I'm going to delete this app from my phone. I'm really low energetically right now. There's only so much energy to go around and I'm a Luddite born in 1973. I can't keep up with all the technology ology. I do plenty at YouTube. That's pretty much where I live
Misti Rainwater-Lites
@mistivelvet · 0:13
Oops. Correction. My blog is actually Chupacabra disco. It's at blog spot. My YouTube channel is Chupacabra Cinema. Okay, bye
Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:24
I'm sorry to hear you go, but I understand. It can be a lot to juggle if you already got a bunch of other things that you're doing. But know that if you ever want to come back, we welcome you with open arms. People take long breaks from being on swell and then come back, and it's with, like, a nice renewed energy. So if you ever feel like that, know that we'll be here and there will be someone to listen