Miss k D
@missKD · 1:19

Nice day to have a conversation

Like I used to roll around and I didn't do anything. But then this is also fun that being useful to someone is a feeling that you are really helpful. You are being useful to someone out there. You already have some knowledge and you are just giving it to people. They are using it and they're happy to use it. They're happy the way you're treating them, the way they are happy the way you are being useful to them. It's so nice

#niceday #helpful #grateful

Aaditya Menon
@Aldebaran · 2:09
But then coming back to, you know, what you just spoke about, I think a lot of us take it for granted that, you know, this life is all about ourselves and about our own struggles and things like that. There's a movie that kind of, you know, comes to my mind. It's an english movie called Sucker Punch
Miss k D
@missKD · 0:30


Hey, thank you so much. You were really kind to say that I have great voice. Well, I get a lot of that. And I actually have been an AJ previously, but now, obviously, I'm also a copper sleeve. So, yeah. Coming back to the topic, yes, I do believe in karma, and it does resonates back, reflects back. Yeah. And thank you. Thank you for actually replying. And your voice is also calming and soothing
Aaditya Menon
@Aldebaran · 0:49


I mean, it's early by my standard, so. Yeah, that's how it is. Honestly, I don't know how this gear swell works. I don't know whether everybody is going to listen to us complimenting each other and all of that stuff. But then, yeah, I really love to see what you're doing next and stay in touch