Midnight Rambler
@MidnightRambler · 4:15

The Rambler Got Her Groove Back!

Okay, this one's going to get a little personal and might be a little bit much for some people, so I'll keep it as generalized as possible. So NSFW if you're listening to this at work, out loud or in front of children, this is your warning now. Okay? So it's been quite a while since I've been intimate with anybody. And recently I was

#MidLife #Sex #Unstuck #ItsBeenAWhile #AgingWomen #FeelingBeautiful #AgingGracefully #AgingNotSoGracefully

Zen Momma
@ZenMomma · 5:00
But if I had not done that, if I had not had an experience or two that I just let be an experience and not attach things, I would have missed out on so much of knowing myself and who I am today. I realized my experience is that I am happier with a woman than with a man and just different things that I had not allowed myself to explore before. So thank you for that reminder to just kind of tap into that