Midnight Bloom
@Midnight_Bloom · 3:12

#TellYourStory | The day I realized I had grown up was when I...

And that was a really hard, painful lesson for me because I realized that some of the people that I held most dear to my heart, when given the choice to choose me, they wouldn't. When given the choice to consider me, they wouldn't. I had to look back over our past interactions and really think about who was putting in the effort here. Out of all the options that they had, how did they manage so many consecutive times to pick the one that would always hurt me?

#SwellDailyPrompt #sdp24Feb10 #love #family @rocio

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 1:23
Hey, midnight bloom. Beautiful. Beautiful. I could not agree more. I look back over my life and can say much of the same. I think many of us can. It's wild. Some of the relationships that made us who we are eventually fall away and make room for the. For the new to come in. It's this beautiful process of becoming and dying and them. I don't think there's any way to really avoid it and I think that's okay