Michelle Murad
@MichelleMurad · 1:49

When I want to get away from it all, I do this...

But what I love about this is she says, you just need to know how to brainwash yourself. You're good at creating stories. That's me. And anyone on this app, I feel like, is really good at telling stories. Why don't you tell the story that serves you instead of going against you? Like, he ghosted me instead, you say, the universe took out the trash for me. Oh, you didn't get that job

#sdp24Mar10 #SwellDailyPrompt #TellYourStory @rocio

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:33
This is huge. I feel like I do this all the time as a way to. Yeah. To not, like, get myself down with, like, I didn't get the job or, like, oh, this person didn't text me back. It's like, oh, great. I have space. I have space to think. I have time. I can go do whatever. And I didn't even have to try to get rid of these negative things in my life