Bo Freeman
@MHNmaven · 4:58

Obsession With Others - Social Comparison Theory

We may have this natural tendency for this social comparison parison according to this theory, but you don't have to be part of that. You don't have to be part of any theory that was developed. You can be aware of this tendency and you can just not do it and just realize that you're only in competition with yourself. And you're beautiful and you're unique, and you are needed in this world

#SocialComparisonTheory #obsessionwothothers #MHNmaven

Andrea Potvin
@GoodEnough · 2:51
You. Good evening, Beau. This is Andrea. And I was just thinking about your podcast here tonight. You described us as the same but unique, which is so true, and that we should really love who we are and not compare ourselves
Eric Owens
@EricG · 1:56


You. Hey Bo, thanks for the invite to this. I've always enjoyed hearing you share your knowledge and expertise on as well. This is an interesting topic. I agree. All of us do this at times throughout our lives. It's only human to compare. And yes, there is a bright side and a dark side to comparing ourselves. I've done both and have learned from it. I've compared myself to other athletes in high school, cared myself to other martial artists
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Amy Pendle
@Blind_Profit · 1:12
With social comparison and you're talking about like in fringe groups. But two, we can do that in our work environment a lot because we look at our boss and we idolize certain things about them or attributes about them when we try to emulate them. And so in social comparison theory, what we're saying is that we attribute something outside of ourselves to someone else. And then we look at that and we say, Well, I like that and we want to resonate with that
Bo Freeman
@MHNmaven · 2:32


I'm just the same people who share their knowledge and wisdom that they've gained through education and whatnot. We still do the same things everybody else does. But I think it's important to share, and I think it's important to communicate these things because then hopefully at some point, somebody will have something click in their head when something goes awry one day, and they go, Wait a minute, wait a minute. I should really look at the positive of this
Bo Freeman
@MHNmaven · 2:02


So I love that and I completely am inspired by it to be more like certain people to make a difference in this world and to help others. So I totally get what you're saying. 100%. 100%. And yes, I agree. Social media is cray cray and can get you in some serious pitfalls and holes that we do not want to go to. So I just thought of sharing this interesting theory I came across when I was researching, when someone had responded to another post
Bo Freeman
@MHNmaven · 1:48


I took it when you were saying that as I want to do well at this company and I want to go up in this company, so I'm going to mimic some of the things that they're doing because I think that is the way they've done well here. So obviously if I mimic some of their particular behaviorisms and certain things and qualities and characteristics, then perhaps I can be better at this company
Kindly Ken
@KindlyKen · 3:27
And appearances aren't always true. They aren't always true. Things aren't always as they seem. And what you see on the outside of someone may differ. It may differ very vastly to what they actually are on the inside. So that should just throw comparison out of the window because the comparison itself couldn't be the furthest thing from fact or from what things actually are. So I really enjoyed your swell. Thank you for sharing. Take care. Bye
Bo Freeman
@MHNmaven · 4:14


Michael. Hello there. I'm so sorry it took me so long to see your reply and response to the broadcast. I thank you so much for giving it to me and sharing that with all of us on this platform. Brilliant. Beautiful, what you said. I love, love, love what you said. Yes, yes, we both are talking. I love the function. Function and form, same as we are all the same, but different in our details. Here's the thing