Michael Hernandez
@mhernandez · 1:38

Music and Lyrics

You. So I wanted to come on here and, you know, just kind of start maybe the conversation about what direction I want to go with. Maybe a podcast or a series. One aspect that I really want to dive into is music and lyrics

#Lyrics #music

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:41
Hey, welcome to swell. I really love that idea. I enjoy music for everything that's unspoken in it, but I can't deny that lyrics are a huge part of what I enjoy in music. So I'm excited to hear your deeper dives into this. It's definitely something that's very up my alley, so I'm glad that you're doing this on here. It's very exciting. So, yeah. Thank you, and I look forward to hearing more from you