Mehnaz Amjad
@Mehnaz_Amjad · 0:51

Exercise Self Compassion

article image placeholderExercise Self Compassion | From Conundrum to Clarity
Hello everyone. This is a podcast I had created a few years ago and this is about how we can exercise self compassion. This is especially for those who perhaps just like me, are very harsh on their own self. And an account of that has been subjected their own self to a lot of stress and pushed it and being very, very critical or criticizing of their own self


Pragati Chopra
@Pragati.chopra · 3:16
So self compassion, passionate people, they know that they are imperfect and they can experience life challenges. So they are gentle with themselves. And first of all, we have to accept that nobody is perfect and we are imperfect beings. We all suffer, we all make mistakes. And this is a very important practice to be self compassion if we are capable of recognizing our suffering. And it will lessen the intensity of emotion inside us and allow us to be more compassionate. And it's very important