Meenakshi M
@Meenzuu · 1:11

Bas yuhi

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Bas yuhi yuhi kalme india ye gaithi or fahapi chakra mujaphne bhajpanyad bhajpan me light skippy chibhagna choti si gadi mesar karna popcorn kana ice cream kana Kahita bhajpan agarham AJ is siwaki time Pikachi hamara bhatchpan bachpan kiwashatanya games no joke nazare bachpan ki musti bachpan k energy. I think hamar chi sort of bachpan Kahim. Because in the game mehbai anipayaga likin ha zaru apagarabi jay pabjaki kilkud saktecha sakta. Because it's never too late to be a kid and make sure that you never let the kid inside you die

#bachpan #childhood #neverletthekidinyoudue #basyuhi #lifewithmeenzuu

Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 0:30
Hi. Sometimes we do things without any intentions and that bring back the most nostalgic memories of our life. And the moment we get back to our childhood, we see all the happy moments. We see all the funniest things. That we have done and that is the best part of our life I feel because no burden, no any kind of negativity we are not concerned about what people thing we live the way we want so that is the specialty of childhood