Michael Davis
@MD_Crowell4k · 4:47


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Well, we are living in an America where if you question the integrity of an election, which should be our right to do, because the right to vote is ours, the elections are actually nothing more than a job application from the candidates. And if you fudge on your application, we should be able to question that, delve into that. And if you are actually hired by us, we should be able to fire you based on your application and the information that you fudged on


Michael Davis
@MD_Crowell4k · 4:43
Everybody has done exactly what he said they would do, and they've exposed themselves for who and what they are. And the deep state is they're saying literally, come at me, bro, we've cheated. Yeah. Do we care? No. Are you going to do anything about it? You could try to