So let this be a reminder to never hold back to express our love boldly and stay on the right track for in the end it's the words we didn't say that haunt us the most day after day so speak your heart's desires without any delay and let love guide you every step of the way

#life #poetry

Aditi Jain
@aditi_chaht_00 · 0:23
OK. Tehena kash kay shabdoko sanjo party kushinai shab tomari Kavitama words estrance feelings thank you so much
Shivani Ganta
@Poem_world._03 · 2:14


So the words play most important role in our life and we should keep it within the other people's even because we sometimes hide it. Because of what they will feel. Yes they will feel it but they will just recognize it. You should be spelling your heart in this real world. If you are hiding it then you are not your own soul to be. Remember? So I just love this. Well the title actually words are the most important we play in our day to day life
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Shirly Mathew
@NEWDAWN123 · 2:58
Everything in God has no God, angel and the universe. Hello. Remarkable. Exemplary. Huge success. What if that? What if and the words that follow I should have the words that follow. Ah, great. Would like to sing a small song for that. Just listen. I'm don't belly because I tell you I'll come. Jesus, don't do dark belly. Don't forget to leave. I'll come. Age to Satan. Isn't it beautiful?