Mausam Bharti
@Mausam05 · 1:40


hi? guys so i m going to sing a song? and this is a favorite line? from this song? so? yeah chehra co? meta tra? यु ख्वाबों से मेरे ये क्या राज है? कल भी मेरी नाती तू न होगी? तू मेरी आज है, तेरी है मेरी सारी, वफाई, वफाई मांगी है तेरे लिए। दुआए दुआए ले जाए? तुझ कहा? हवाई हवाई ले जाए? मुझ कहा? हवाई हवाई ले जाए? जाने कहा? न मुझ को खबर, न तुझ को पता?

#Lovesong #singing #mood # feel

@Nehakesaath · 1:10

#music #hobbies #singasong #mood

hi? wasim? that was beautifully sung? by you? my name? is neha? and i? am? new? on? swell? and so? i m? not sure? how this platform works? but i kind? of? like? did? so much? and the thing? is your? you? can? share? your? hobbies? and you? know can meet? like? minded? people? and talk? to them? that s? re? नाइस? एंड सो?
Mausam Bharti
@Mausam05 · 0:21
he? nia? thank you? so much? and your? voice? is? really? sweet? you? know? and you are? talking? was? when wenr singing you have a very lovely? voice? i m? so? keep singing? share? more? offer? sons? would love? to lissontothemand? yeah? havaniceday?