Mark-John Clifford
@markjohn · 4:02

Monday Morning Thoughts!

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Would you like something that every morning you get a 1 minute or two minute hit that gets you going for the day and it might be a quote, it could be a thought, it could be an action, something to do. Whatever it may be, it's not going to be like an exercise thing because I don't exercise. So I'm not going to ask you to do it

# thoughts #morning


@markjohn Private Groups 👉🏻 https://s.swell.life/SU656jmTLJpEBQS

So I don't have an answer to your question, but I thought I would let you know about a feature, in case you're not aware of it, that swell offers, and that's private groups. I've included a link here to a how to, including screenshots
article image placeholderSwell Primer: Private Messages & Private Groups
Mark-John Clifford
@markjohn · 2:09


You. Thanks for that. I'm really trying to figure out what to do and what's best. I run into people wanting information and, you know, I mean, like I said, I don't like charging for coaching, but I believe that certain things need, you know, you put an effort in, you should get something. But I don't know. I don't know what I'm going to do


It's like, it's not putting the final result onto paper or on the screen or whatever, but about the. You're actually doing the discovery. You're doing the process of revealing whatever it is that you want to write about in doing the writing. And I would say that that really also applies to physically putting the pen to paper. I know that there are some books that I've read various topics, and they'll say, do this exercise. Do that exercise
Mark-John Clifford
@markjohn · 3:41


There was punishment, and what I did was I wasn't trying to punish anyone. I was trying to get them to understand why they were biting their nails, why they were smoking a cigarette. How many times you're going to smoke. You take 20 cigarettes and you write down 20 times why you lit a cigarette, and what you did or what was in your mind, you're going to remember that. And as much as it may be punishment, it's not


Ah, the perspective of keeping people hooked just so that someone can continue to make money rather than equipping and empowering people drives me nuts. But question. I don't know if this would work or not, and maybe you already do this, but I was just thinking, instead of maybe the barrier to some extent is acquiring the workbook or downloading the workbook and printing the workbook or whatever the excuse is that somebody has
Mark-John Clifford
@markjohn · 2:24


And then I talk about whatever I was working on, communication skills and then traits, describing the traits and how I deal with certain things or how I apply them so that they have an idea of something, of how to think about answering the questions. And I've given them the questions and it's still, can't we just do this? Not everyone but a few people and there's not that many doing this