Mark-John Clifford
@markjohn · 6:11

Monday Morning Syndrome

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The coaching class is designed as a very generic coaching program and I wrote this years ago for brokers that work for me and sales agents and insurance agents, and I taught it and I decided it's time to make it free for anyone that just wants to help themselves get motivated and organized and coach themselves through a lot of turmoil. So the class is open for anyone. You don't have to be ADHD, you don't have to have autism, you don't have to have anything

#monday #morning #things to do

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 1:22
Yeah, I totally agree with you. I think getting over Monday morning syndrome as quickly as you can is the best idea. And to find the way that works for you. For me, it always involves some sort of movement, getting out of my head a little bit and dropping more into the body and then feel like I'm more ready to tackle stuff. But I really like what you're talking about with your coaching. I think it's not talked about enough
Mark-John Clifford
@markjohn · 3:48


And the problem was I was sending everyone out to, like, the Tony Robbins, Jim Rohn, and all these guys, and Jim Rohn was a friend of mine, and one day he finally talked to me, and we were talking about his work, which is motivation, sales and all that zig ziglar on that line