Marina S
@MarinainWonder · 2:44

I am back for now!

Not that they're based on always just Alice in Wonderland, but they're inspired, like, here and there. Like, little tweaks of the storyline or whatever. Yeah. And I'm about to finish one of AG Howard Her series, which I'll let you guys know what I think of it, I guess, eventually. And I'm so sorry I haven't been on here. I been very busy, and I do apologize for that
Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 1:45
But same with the Alice in Wonderland. Both of those remakes kind of sit strangely with me. I feel like they don't strike that same tone that that made me so excited about those other movies. But I don't know, maybe it's just, you know, looking at things from my childhood and kind of romanticizing them a little bit. But actually, I don't think so because I think if I were to watch those movies now, I would feel pretty similarly
Marina S
@MarinainWonder · 1:38
And then obviously he went through the whole elevator process and everything. But yeah, I mean, definitely. For sure. And as far as Alice in Wonderland, the first movie, I do agree, like, the colors, that was more striking than anything. And I think that's one of the reasons why I love the original so much. And I'm not such a fond fan of the remake because it's more, like, darker, I feel