Mann Shrivastava
@Mannshrivastav6 · 1:34


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Well, happiness is a term which depicts an optimistic mental state happiness can have different meanings for different people some may find happiness in earning money and be called value however, others give importance to good health for being happy some others may feel content having good jobs and high refuse others may consider the peace of mind and unity with Almighty as the source of true happiness true happiness is something comes from deep inside it comes from our hearts also, we feel that material things of pleasure can make us happy it is not true a person who is wealthy may or may not be happy however, a person who is happy is always wealthy happiness reflects one's positive attitude towards life such a person strongly believes that whatever happens is for good even if he fails in life, he or she doesn't blame destiny for it also, such a person does not lose hope he is always hopeful and optimistic person will always be happy moreover, such a person will be able to find pleasure even in the pain also, a happy person does not depend on others or external factors to make them happy they will manage to be happy even in the worst situation
Aditya Shakya
@adityashakya · 0:08
Amen. I like your cell and the way you present us. Well are very nice. So yeah best of luck for your future. Swells