Maurice Lekea
@malekea · 2:09

Curious phenomenon on my profile

But they have a zero posting, zero introduction. They only have a name on the profile. And there's been days where they are following my posting, but they have zero information on their profile. Is that normal? Because I'm new here and I'm always skeptical about this online thing. So I'm just wondering if someone can tell me if you are sharing the same experience. Currently, I have at least eight people who are following me. Eight of all of them
Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:45
But I think that's what tends to happen is that people aren't ready or don't want to make the leap into talking or sharing info about themselves, but want to listen. So, yeah, that's what I would say. I wouldn't say it's anything to worry about, certainly
Maurice Lekea
@malekea · 1:42


Hello. Hi. Thank you for making the time to reply. I was just wondering because I have this couple of people who following me, but they have no photo. They don't have any pictures on their profile, they have no introduction. And what is curious also is that each one of them has each one of them is following ten people, and each one of them has a zero followers. And each one of them has posted nothing. And I found that intriguing