Toni Yvonne
@makeup23 · 0:35

Tongue Twisters with Toni Tone Tone & Fit aka Makeup 23

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Hey, y'all. Hey, it's Tony. Toni. Toni and Fit, aka makeup 23. Baby, here's a tongue twister you should try with me. One one was a racehorse. Two two was 1211, race 22112. So the hardest part for me in this tongue twister was line number three. One one race. I bet you can't say that fast. And be sure to post your attempts in the comments below

#voiceover #tonguetwisters #makeuptips #tonedhips

Chelsea Hanawalt
@allowthesun · 0:21

@Triggs10 @Delilah_Kujala

Hi. All right, here it goes. One one was a racehorse. Two two is 1211, race 2212. How did I do? I have a background in performing arts, acting, theater, and I love a good tongue twister. So thank you for sharing this