Maira gautam
@mairagautam123 · 1:03


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Hello also I hope you are doing fine in your life and today I want to speak on poem about happiness life may not let me choose my lot but whether I had be happy or not that is my a choice to leave hurtful memories behind or allow them to bother my mind the choice is mine, to fret over a mistake when it's done or learn about it and move on the choice is mine to be bothered by all the people say or ignore them and go my own way the choice is mine, to hide my feelings spent down unspoken or see my mind and ease the burden the choice is mine to enjoy what I have been able to gain or ungratefully regret regard it and the day the choice is mine sometimes I won't get to pick my lot but whether I will be happy or not will always be my choice so this was my poem about happiness kindly shared what they do like this

#sayitonswell #shareonswell
