Dr Sangeetha Gireesh
@mahatmagandhi6 · 0:50

Happy Cheerful Face

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Hello friends. She is Miss Manisha Karba. She lives in Slims Near Bandra, Mumbai. The news is that she has been picked up as a fashion model by forest essentials. It is said that her happy, cheerful face caught their attention. Now there are millions just like her on this planet earth whose Trikey cord with a smile and as happy as always look on their face


Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 1:31
And when I heard this particular news, I understood that really the world which is created by God and the way he help us in getting opportunities is really really amazing. You can't expect what you would attract at which particular time. So that is the reason it's very very important to be content and to be satisfied with what you have and to love what you have. I don't say to stop where you are, but always have that constant satisfaction with the things and always love yourself the most
Dr Sangeetha Gireesh
@mahatmagandhi6 · 0:30


Exactly. It's unbelievable. See, this one particular incident has really boosted the morale of Lot many girls and boys on this planet. Just that satisfied, contented, happy look. That smile gave her such a great opportunity to outshine others. You let us live life to the fullest. Stay connected